Apply Here
For Counselling by expert, you may call on +918103635949 or write on , mentioning name of of the course of your interested.
- Admissions are open now.
- Choose the right course according to your interest by going through our websites
1 :- Pay the program fee through one of below mentioned Method
Payment Options :-
1. Account Pay:-
(No Convenience Charge Applicable – Preferred method)
HDFC Current Bank Account
- HDFC CURRENT A/C Name: SkillBee Solution
- HDFC CURRENT A/C Number: 50200086516487
- IFSC CODE: HDFC0001771
- Account Type: Current
HDFC Account
- Bank Name: HDFC
- Account Holder: Shilpa parmar
- Account No. : 50100270128673
- IFSC Code : HDFC0000045
- Account Type: Saving
- Chanda Nagar, Hyderabad
Axis Bank
- Bank Name: : Axis Bank
- Account Holder Name: Dharmendra Patel
- Account No. : 922010067125562
- IFSC Code: UTIB0004779
- Account Type: saving
UPI Method:-
pay by UPI to 8103635949@ibl (Shakuntala Parmar) or company.connect@icici (No Convenience Charge)
3. Payment Link Method :-
Pay Fees Online by Click below mentioned Button (Convenience Charge (2.0%) from Razor pay will be applicable- Less preferred)
For International Payment use below button Paypal method (18% Con. Charge by Paypal)
Fill the Online Application Form after payment completion:-
- Fill the online Application Form (Course Registration Form) mentioned below.
- Mention the fee payment reference number (Autogenerated Payment Transaction no.) in the Course Registration form on the specified column.
- if your course not mentioned in column use comment box on second page of form and mention your interested course name.
- For Further Query Call to +91-8103635949 or mail to